The Onion plant is a vascular, herbaceous non-woody, root plant found in the amaryllis family. It is biennial, grown for edible purposes, originally found in Southwest Asia, but presently grown everywhere around the globe especially in temperate zones.

Most varieties on the average grow up to a height of 15 to 45 cm (6 to 18in), with greenish stalk-like leaves that are fleshy, hollow, arranged alternately and broaden out at the upper part of the stem before they then tapper to blunt tip at the end. The base of each leaf is usually flat, whitish and fastens like a sheath to the bulb underground where a bunch of fibrous roots attach it to the soil.

As the plant matures, the concentric leaf base develops resulting to a swollen edible bulb with compressed several layers which in turn grows bigger and bigger till the leaves die and shrivel off, signaling full maturity and harvest time.

The ancient Egyptians saw the spherical bulb as a symbol of the universe and the name, onions, is derived from the Latin word, Unus meaning ONE. The bulb, which is also called Allium cepa, (botanical), Yabas in Igbo, Albasa in Hausa, and Alubosa in Yoruba, when harvested vary in size, pungency and colour depending on the climate and soil. They have pungent taste and smell, flavour and are mainly used as vegetable in variety of dishes ranging from sauces, stew, soups, stir-fries, sauté, salads, roasts, and they are also served as part of cooked vegetable mix. The characteristic pungent smell is said to come from the sulfuric rich oil content the release of which comes from the peeling or chopping of the bulb, and this brings tears to the eyes.

Researchers agree that onions have major health benefits when eaten alone or part of a diet and nutritionists also attest to it being rich in dietary fiber, potassium, manganese and vitamins C and B-6.

Meanwhile, other experts also claim that onions is suitable for blood circulation problems, diuresis, however a centuries old concept suggests onions may have even more powers outside of the body rather than in, as they could have the ability to absorb toxins from the body and cure numerous infections if sliced and placed inside a pair of socks worn on the soles of the feet of a person sleeping.

Beyond the culinary uses, the onions is also enjoyed raw as garnishing for some certain foods and chopped and brewed as tea in certain cultures to induce sleep and relaxation.

Aside from the above, onion tea has other health benefits which include, detoxifying as it possesses phytochemicals which aid vitamin C in fighting toxins. It also improves respiratory health, hearth health as it is said to prevent blood clots while reducing cholesterol, helps diabetics via enhancement of the insulin activities. There is also the claim that it relieves cough, asthma, lowers the risk of cancer, boosts immunity, weight loss and aids digestion

Folk medicine in various places also lay claims to its curative powers for such ailments as common colds, earaches, laryngitis, animal bites, burns and warts. In some cultures, it is believed that onion poultice, wrapped in some fine clothing or with an old sock, placed on the chest of some one suffering from chesty cough or bronchitis, brings considerable relief and may even effect a cure if done consistently for a couple of days.

For urinary disorders, it advised to brew 6-7 grams of onions to drink would bring considerable relief. For those who beans meal is one of their triggers for excessive gas, it is advised that while cooking beans, they should throw one big bulb of the onions in the pot of beans and cook for twenty minutes, drain the water, throw out the onions and then cook till completion. The onions is said to absorb the gas in the beans making it very gas free for consumption.

Again, some old wife’s tale has it that onions may even have more power outside of the body than in as they could trap virus and toxins from the body and in the air when cut and placed in an enclosure. For instance, most families who cut up onions and place in the four corners of their rooms especially during the cold seasons, are said to be almost a hundred percent free from the cold flu. The trick they say, is to keep fresh cuts every day at strategic corners of the room.

They could even cure numerous infections if sliced and placed inside a pair of socks and along the soles of the feet of a person sleeping.

The onions can be very sweet and tasty whether consumed raw or in cooked form, however, it is said that eating the raw onions can be more helpful to the immune system, enriches the body with antioxidants which inhibit free radicals. Just try to slice more raw onions into your dishes especially your rice meals and salads, you will experience a better health than most people around you and will be quick to recover from common ailments faster than those who do not eat raw onions. Give it a try today.

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